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The case of Jane Doe 464533 v. N.D. [2016] O.J. No. 382 is the second civil case of its kind in Canada to award monetary damages for the tort of intrusion upon seclusion (breach of privacy).
  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Combined torts of breach of privacy and confidence lead to first damages award in Ontario
Watson Goepel

The case of Jane Doe 464533 v. N.D. [2016] O.J. No. 382 is the second civil case of its kind in Canada to award monetary damages for the tort of intrusion upon seclusion (breach of privacy). But it is the first to award damages against a defendant for the combined torts of breach of privacy and breach of confidence.The conduct which gave rise to the award was the action of posting an intimate video of the plaintiff on a pornography website without her knowledge or consent. The court also found that the elements of the tort of intentional infliction of mental suffering were present in the defendant’s actions.

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Moving and relocating to a new city, province or even country following a divorce or separation is not unusual
  • Family Law
Family Law: Relocating with Children
Watson Goepel

Moving and relocating to a new city, province or even country following a divorce or separation is not unusual. However, if children are involved in the move special considerations apply. In the latest post from Watson Goepel’s Family Law Group they review the typical situations that arise, what the courts have done in these situations in the past and the options for keeping a relocation from becoming a court battle.

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We frequently receive questions from new directors elected onto boards of non-profit organizations about the extent of their liabilities, and how they can mitigate the risks and their personal exposure.
  • Business Law
Directors’ Liability: What New Directors for Non-Profits Need to Know
Watson Goepel

We frequently receive questions from new directors elected onto boards of non-profit organizations about the extent of their liabilities, and how they can mitigate the risks and their personal exposure. While serving as a volunteer director on such organizations is a great opportunity to connect with members or give back to your community, few realize the practical implications of sitting on a board.

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