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Should you employ a family law lawyer at a full-service firm that provides legal guidance in many different practice areas, or at a boutique firm that is dedicated solely to the practice of family law? The answer may surprise you!
  • Family Law
Full-service or boutique law firms: When it comes to your family law matter, which comes out on top?
Watson Goepel

If you are embarking on a separation or divorce you have a wide selection of Vancouver divorce lawyers and law firms to choose from. Should you employ a family law lawyer at a full-service firm that provides legal guidance in many different practice areas, or at a boutique firm that is dedicated solely to the practice of family law? The answer may surprise you!

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When a couple is going through a separation or divorce, the well-being of the children ought to be their first priority.
  • Family Law
Hearing the Child during Separation and Divorce
Watson Goepel

When a couple is going through a separation or divorce, the well-being of the children ought to be their first priority.  While many parents may think that they have the best interests of their children in mind, they themselves are often busy trying to cope with the emotional and material consequences of a separation or divorce. Consequently, the voices of their children can unintentionally become lost in the process.  This can leave children feeling misunderstood or alone in their pain, which can have long reaching consequences for families.

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When it comes to employee terminations, it’s important that employers fully understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Business Law
Employee Termination: How Much Notice is Enough?
Sarah Hentschel

When it comes to employee terminations, it’s important that employers fully understand their rights and responsibilities. Missteps in the termination process can lead to uncertainty and confusion, or worse, litigation and a big payout to the employee for wrongful termination. When it comes to termination without cause, employer exposure to liability can be protected by the simple inclusion of a notice provision in the employment contract.

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When it comes to marriage these days, we all know how common it is for people to divorce, later remarry, and then eventually see their own kids grow up and get married.
  • Family Law
The Step Parent Wedding Celebration
Watson Goepel

As a family law lawyer, when I consult with clients early in the divorce process, I will often say to them: “Your goal through this divorce or separation process should be to remain civil with your ex-spouse so that when all is said and done you will be able to attend major events for your kids together, like their wedding – not as a couple, but there together, civilly, for the sake of your child.” And this is exactly what I witnessed at this wedding this summer.

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