- Firm News
Watson Goepel is proud to announce that eight of our lawyers have been recognized in Best Lawyers in Canada™ 2025 and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch™ in 2025 for their outstanding achievements in their practice area.
Watson Goepel is proud to announce that eight of our lawyers have been recognized in Best Lawyers in Canada™ 2025 and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch™ in 2025 for their outstanding achievements in their practice area.
A new post from the Family Law Team discusses child support obligations when the status of one of the parents changes. In some cases, this could be due to a change in career that makes the original payments a hardship.
The original ruling involving a mother and her (then) 8 year old child had the potential to define the age at which children can be left at home alone but the BC Court of Appeal was very careful to confine it’s decision to the facts of this particular case and did not rule on the Ministry of Children and Family Development policy that children under 10 should not be left unsupervised.
There is still no definitive age stipulation so what are parents to do? This is the question addressed in a recent post from the Watson Goepel LLP Family Law Team.
Who gets the family pet?
The Supreme Court of British Columbia has released its latest decision in an ongoing dispute that serves as a cautionary tale for those considering strata ownership. In Strata Plan NW 499 v. Kirk, 2015 BCSC 1487, the court considered cross-petitions by a small (17 unit) strata and an owner, respectively, engaged in protracted litigation regarding fees.
What happens to spousal and child support if one parent is off work to care for a child from a second marriage or common law relationship? Read more here.
In Do v. Nichols, 2015 BCSC 1069, Ryan R. Lee of Watson Goepel LLP represented homeowners faced with an unusual foreclosure petition. The mortgage at issue was registered against the homeowners’ residential properties but arose from an agreement for sale and subdivision of two other, nearby development properties.
According to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1986, a real estate agent’s listing agreement is akin to a hunting licence. It mandates an agent to find and bag a purchaser. However, in a case decided by the SCC on June 25, 2015, depending on the terms of the listing agreement a commission may or may not be recoverable if a signed-up sale does not complete.
The talk dealt with “European Trade Policies and Seafood Business Opportunities” on the new market potential created for BC shellfish producers by the Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (“ CETA”) negotiated between Canada and the European Union.
Former spouses, however, can reside pretty much anywhere in the world and, under B.C. law, personal service of Court documents is mandatory – or – an application to Court is required after reasonable and well documented attempts have failed.
Over the last decade he has slowly shifted his family law practice from a court based model to a more settlement oriented one.
Watson Goepel LLP business lawyer J. Christopher Meyer provides a brief overview of Shareholder Agreements and why these legal contracts can be important to business owners.