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A fracture is any injury that results in observable damage to your skeletal system.

Understanding the long-term impact of your fracture.

A fracture is any injury that results in observable damage to your skeletal system.  Sometimes a fracture is severe, and extremely obvious to anyone who looks at you.  Other times, they are hairline fractures only observable with a detailed X-ray or CT scan.  Some fractures heal quickly, while others can last for years if untreated. 

Fracture injuries tend to result in immediate, intense pain, and an inability to put weight on, or exert, the area that was injured.  They are usually treated with a cast or by limiting the movement of the affected area while it heals.  Often, once a fracture is fully healed the pain and discomfort the person feels also resolves.  Other times, however, the fracture may not heal perfectly, or may result in chronic or ongoing pain. 

Proper and early treatment of a fracture can typically lead to a better prognosis in the long-term. 

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