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Celso Boscariol, K.C. attended the Official Proclamation of Vancouver City Council Chambers

Our lawyer, Celso Boscariol, K.C., along with descendants of the Internees, attended the official proclamation of Vancouver City Council Chambers on June 8, 2020, to witness the acknowledgment of injustices enacted upon the Italian Canadian community during WWII.

“Although we cannot change history, we can certainly change its consequences”.
– Celso A. A. Boscariol, K.C.

Our lawyer, Celso Boscariol, K.C., along with descendants of the Internees, attended the official proclamation of Vancouver City Council Chambers on June 8, 2020, to witness the acknowledgment of injustices enacted upon the Italian Canadian community during WWII.

Celso contributed his time as a community and legal advisor to the Italian Heritage Month this year to advocate for the Italian community. He said, “Recognition and acknowledgment of past wrongs is essential to the reconciliation of the past with the present to assure we strive for a better future for our children and theirs, newcomers to Canada, and those who were here before we came.”

To read more about the proclamation, please visit Council apologizes to Vancouver’s Italian Canadian community for treatment during WWII

You can also learn more about Italian Heritage Month (IHM) by visiting: Statement by Minister Chagger on Italian Heritage Month

If you have any inquiries, please contact us.

Boscariol Celso - Watson Goepel Lawyer

Celso Boscariol, Q.C.  is a Partner in our Business Law Group.