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This article is part of a series of educational blog posts created by a team of Watson Goepel women lawyers in light of International Women’s Day 2023, to empower, celebrate, and encourage women in Canada.

Physical Assault

Assault is more than just a crime, and criminal consequences do not help restore the victim to their pre-assault place in life.

Pursuing justice and recovery through civil action for assault victims.

While an assailant may face criminal charges for their actions, you can also start a civil lawsuit against them to recover from the effects the assault has had on your life. You can recover an award for pain and suffering, but also for any time missed from work, medical expenses, and ongoing costs of medical treatment.    

Being a victim of assault is one of the most traumatic instances a person can deal with. It is also, often, a time sensitive issue where witnesses and evidence need to be gathered quickly.  If you or someone you know has been assaulted, contact our team of experienced lawyers for a free consultation to learn about your options.

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