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When most people think of family law cases, their minds turn to the dilemma of fairly dividing the family assets (in other words, “matrimonial property”): the house, the car, the pensions, perhaps the heirloom grandfather clock in the dining room. The flip side of the coin, however, is frequently less straightforward. What is the best approach to untangling not just the assets, but the liabilities?
Family Law

Serving family law documents properly: Issues and tips for handling difficult situations

Former spouses, however, can reside pretty much anywhere in the world and, under B.C. law, personal service of Court documents is mandatory – or – an application to Court is required after reasonable and well documented attempts have failed.

Most of our clients reside in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Former spouses, however, can reside pretty much anywhere in the world and, under B.C. law, personal service of Court documents is mandatory – or – an application to Court is required after reasonable and well documented attempts have failed. Learn more …