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Parenting & Custody

Our legal team offers supports with guardianship, divorce, or adoption. our Family Law Team will be there every step of the way.

Focusing on your family's welfare.

In British Columbia, parenting issues are guided by the Family Law Act, which emphasizes the child’s best interests.

Child support is calculated based on the Federal Child Support Guidelines and ensures that a child’s best interests and financial needs are met regardless of parental separation. Guardianship is the legal authority to make important decisions about a child’s upbringing, including education, health, and religion. Parenting time, previously known as access, determines the time each parent spends with the child, while parental responsibilities involve the day-to-day care and long-term decisions affecting the child’s welfare.

Courts aim to balance these elements to support the child’s stability and well-being, often encouraging cooperative co-parenting arrangements.

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